• モデル: Rubin Series
  • メーカー: Same

(+ $29.99 AirMail USB Drive)

Want to repair your own suzuki and save money? You need this factory manual! It is loaded with easy-to-follow instructions, tons of photos, and detailed elaborations. It will equip you with skills and confidence. You can fix your suzuki just like your local dealer mechanics who are using the same manual. Don't hesitate, buy with confidence, a trustworthy and reputable seller. You get more than you are paying for. This is the same manual your local service dealer, and Suzuki engineers would use, Fully illustrated with the original engineering diagrams. This is the Digital Ebook version, a great replacement for the old print manual. It contains all the removal and assembly instructions needed for any repair your car may require. Also included are wiring diagrams - Maintenance -Preparation - Specification - Diagnostic - Engine - Chassis - Body - Electrical - Manuals are Adobe Acrobat PDF Files, Fully indexed and so easy to find anything. This cd comes with Adobe Acrobat Reader so you dont have have to download it. You will never loose it. You can copy it to as many computers as you like. All the files on this CD are printable, So you can print off the relevant section when required get it all dirty and come back again and print any more you need, its a perfect buy. This is the best manual with everything you will ever need for your suzuki and you will love it! THIS MANUAL COVERS - *General information *Periodic maintenance *Fuel system *Cooling system *Engine top end *Clutch *Engine lubrication system *Engine removal/installation *Crankshaft/transmission *Wheels/tires *Final drive *Brakes *Suspension *Steering *Frame *Electrical system...and much more Save money by doing your own repairs! This manual contains easy to follow, STEP-BY-STEP instructions, making it easy for any skill level.